Sunday, November 25, 2007

so you are there...

destroy the mosque, destroy the temple.
but don't destroy anybody's heart, for God dwells in the heart!

--Bulle Shah

Saturday, November 24, 2007

am i alone?

who says i m alone? my memories, my pain and i m still with myself!

Friday, November 23, 2007

the world whirling around me

first state:
i stand on the axis of a whirling world around me. i watch it racing around me. i am in awe and it all seems mysterious and i feel lost.

second state:
i go along with the world, round and round. time, space and others all are moving along with me. of course, i m in it not outside. they dont seem to be mysterious to me anymore, they are just another stuff. i m not in awe and lost because i know what they are.

the first state always seems to be going out of control. the second one is all about awareness.

the awareness of "It", the awareness of "It" keeps me going with "It". i m with myself.


Saturday, November 03, 2007

the storms and afterwards

when the storms arrive i run for the shelter.
i never remain back there to face them.

the storms always subside, they never remain there forever.

i must face them one by one and watch them going through me,
because i want to see how they end.

what would happen at the final end of all the storms?
